Underage Engineers

Nieletni inżynierowie
dir. Aleksandra Skowron, Hanna Polak/Poland/2019/52 min.

How can a particular person change the life of a typical teenager? And can this adult undergo change himself under the influence of his pupils? This documentary is about transformation, discovering passion and having a positive impact on a child's approach and life... Our protagonists had been observed for more than two years, at the most crucial moment of their puberty, from the ages of 12 to 15. In so many ways their adolescence has been atypical - they are kids from a small Polish town attempting to build satellite sail test models. This portrait of modern youth is full of humour, at the same time being also a reflection and sentimental journey into our own past.


  • projection time:
    52 min.
  • country/year:
    Poland /2019
  • director:
    Aleksandra Skowron, Hanna Polak
  • pictures:
    Magda Kowalczyk, Maciej Kozłowski
  • production:
    Mirosław Skowron, Aleksandra Skowron / Mediolia Sp. z o.o.

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